
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

My new...If slightly deranged new hobbie?

Well hello there!

This post isn't a review, nor a tutorial, but basically just me documenting how insanely proud I am for accomplishing this slightly insane task. But over the last month I have been preparing a dried butterfly for framing, and I've loved every minute of it!

For a little bit of back story as to why I would ever decide to do this. My boyfriend loves all things nature and I had got him some ready to mount butterflies for his birthday a year or so ago, but sadly when we moved out of our flat they broke. So of course...I decided it would be nice to prepare and mount one of the butterfly breeds that got damaged all by myself. I'm all about the DIY at the moment!

The butterfly arrived in a state called 'Papered' which meant it had to be 'Rested'. A process which involves leaving the specimen in a moist environment for 1-3 days to allow it to rehydrate and become workable. Otherwise the butterfly will be far too fragile to work with.

Post Resting. As you can see the wings have started to relax and come away from the body.

After stretching the wings out, they should be pinned in place using strips of tracing paper which folds the wings flat without damaging them. The butterfly should then be left in a safe warm place and allowed to dehydrate again for at least one week (depending on the size of the specimen). I had to leave mine for almost 2 weeks.

Post Drying.

Set in the frame mount. This is by far the scariest moment as the specimen is now dried and has become fragile again. But once the butterfly has been secured into the mount. Congratulations! You have your own mounted butterfly!

If you would like to give this process a go:

            I use an amazing Online Insect breeder : Lepidoptera Breeders Association

                      They provide a wide range of butterflies and moths as well as beetle specimens in both live                                         and dried form. So if you're feeling creative, check them out!

            For a full tutorial on how to get your head around this process: The Insect Company

                      Simple step by step guide through all of the stages. One tip from me though, make sure you                                     have all your supplies BEFORE you start the process.

            For the frames (which I had searched for for AGES): IKEA of all bloody places!

            Any of the equipment or materials you need can be found on Amazon.

I hope you've enjoyed this post as much as I have.

H xx


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Winter Graduation 2013

A bit late I know...but this happened a couple of weeks ago!

I FINALLY got the chance to Graduate from Leeds College of Art, only 5 months behind all of the other Universitys both in England and back home in Northern Ireland. So I had to wait absolutely ages to be able to wear my 'Harry Potter' gown and pretend to cast spells and stuff... But I do have to say I got rather attached to mine, ever the mortar board that make my ears stick out! So I was very sad to have to give it back by the end of the day. I could have bought it, but then I'd get a name for myself as the crazy lady who wears a cape 24/7. 

Overall I had a really enjoyable day. Was lovely to be able to stand beside my friends from the last 3 years and celebrate what we had achieved! Almost makes me want to go back and do a masters... jokes... an 8000 word dissertation was bad enough!

H x

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

New Housey

So apparently while I was away studying, my parents decided to put our family home on the market as it was too big for its purpose (or so they say...I could have easily moved all of my junk into every room) and it finally sold a couple of months ago. So in the meantime while we wait to find our little dream home, or dream fixerupper we have been living with family (love them...but oh my days can they be frustrating).

BUT anyways, ranting about my family was not the reason for this post. I decided to make a few posts on design ideas for our new house. And even though we may not have found it yet, that in no way, shape or form is going to stop me from deciding how I will be decorating the various rooms of the house.

We have been looking for houses in little seaside villages along the coast of the Ards Peninsula, so I would like to subtly reflect its surroundings in the new interior.


H x